"dad, do you know i have a girlfriend?"
blink. blink.
ok. that stopped me. literally. right there. on my tracks. the mind goes blank for a moment.
robin just kept on walking, stops, looks back to me and says, "what?"
"nothing." i said, catching up to him.
my mind goes from a standstill to a fast series of images, videoscapes, sounds and finally i was able to blurt out, "you have a girlfriend?"
" do i know her? is she one of your classmates?"
grrrr... well, the thing is, at that time, he was just seven and will be turning eight in a few days. i opted not to pursue the "who?" anymore and just concentrate on being the "cool" father. although to be honest i was excited for him.
"well, that's great! really! so how is it? having a girlfriend, i mean."
"its ok," robin said with a smile starting to break.
what the...? he's not excited about it?!?! but he was smiling while we were walking so i guess there's a bit of excitement there.
i'm also excited about the fact that he's comfortable enough with me as a father and maybe as an older friend to confide in me.